Seems now that almost every one is a blogger. Since Mr.Donohue has given his students an assignment on blogging, the most visited site on the schools laptops http://www.blogger.com/. Students must create a GMail account and them make a blogger account with their own personalized URL. The hardest part about this assignment is to really stick to the topic and have enough to write about. When told instructions on how long to make each post Mr. D said to write for about 20 minutes on each.This was an assignment that was not 2 difficult at all if you balanced the time that you had to do the assignment with the amount of work. Some students decided to save all of the work for the last minute. The other day I was in Mr. Donohue's room trying to catch up on some of my work and it was lunch at sixth period and his class was more full of students trying to work than it had ever been. I my self had already been in his class second period and fifth as well just typing until my fingers started to hurt. Over all I believe that this was a excellent assignment that actually put the students to work because our blogs a on the world wide web and available for reading and comments from the public. This assignment opened the door to a whole wave of next generation blogger.
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