Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Real un equal and irational...... word on da block has its eyes and ears on the halls, the gym, classrooms and the gym. The only way to desribe the status of the social structure has to be something I learned about in Ms. Zurrok's fifth period pre calc class. The term is real unequal and irrational, this is used when describing the roots of function. Don't get the story twisted, the school has a highly trained staff ready and willing to tranfer knowlage to students, but the problem comes from with in the student body. The school is divided into many clicks that stick together until problems arise and few are traded or droped as free agents. There are few loners and gangbangers keep low key. Hey I don't sayit, I just play it. Anyway these so called clicks assoite with in themselfs to abtain what ever day to day life requires and rarley deeply make moves with out the group. Some groups have more status than others and some have problems with others group. I myself am part of one of the elite clicks in the school and also the minority...the hispanics aka the spanyerds aka the guallas aka the putericans. In respects I am considered the leader or the head honcho of my squad. Unlike in other squads I have mobility to assoiate with majority of students and remain faithful to my team. This unique skill is what I belive seperates me from many other groups and the ir leaders. Back to the topic, some clickes have feelings tward others that are based on the wrong reasons. The hispanics are not the most liked click in the school, but at the same time one of the most respected.

1 comment:

  1. Mike,

    Interesting need to proofread though. Your thoughts are a bit scrambled, but clearly there's a lot here.

    Now, some of this is touchy, but think about examples that you can give to explain your thoughts more.
